Monday, March 5, 2012

Rediscover your Mondays

Mondays suck. Worst day ever. Happens every week.

I've been sitting in front of my computer all day nervous with excitement because the Buffalo Sabres could possibly break into the playoffs with a win tonight. My time would be better spent fixing up my home, working on the novel or catching up with friends. Instead, I sat in front of my computer and practically counted down the minutes.

Luckily I found my way to some TSN countdowns on Youtube and then discovered gold. Or I should say Rediscovered gold.

The Gorillaz.

Not even thirty seconds into watching their videos, I'm reminded how much I love their music. I even wonder how the hell I ever forgot. Every song contains the magic of the unknown. Their animated videos add a hypnotic depth.

The video above is the song Clint Eastwood. Probably their most famous and most popular introduction to many people. Listening to that song makes me realize that maybe Mondays don't have to suck. I'm starting to enjoy this one. Rediscovering this band has led me to some of their new songs and no surprises, I enjoy them all.

Revolving Doors. Hillbilly Man. Amarillo.

Great bands are always rediscovered.

Maybe Mondays used to be the greatest day of the week and lost its way somewhere, some when. Maybe Mondays need to be rediscovered.

I know a great way to start on this Monday. It's already getting late, but a cool evening drive is a great way to reconnect with a day. My family loved to listen to the Gorillaz's song Punk while driving in the car. We would roll down the windows and when there's clapping in the song, we would stick our hands out the window and clap along. During the deep bass thuds of the song, we would pound on the roof above us. No bad day can compete with obnoxious car clapping.

Don't want to jump in the car? Clap in your family room. Put the cellphone down and clap on the toilet.

Rediscover your Monday now, it's almost Tuesday.

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