Thursday, March 8, 2012

My friend is on the Internets!

 Check out Kara! Oh yeah, look there's Andy and two out of three kids. How could they crop out the cute daughter? How could a mom let that happen?

I shouldn't judge.

That's what Kara is quickly becoming famous for. Trying not to judge. Kara has always been an extremely honest and hard on herself person for as long as I've known her. One of the best people I've ever known and I miss spending time with her.

Follow the link above to read an article where Kara is so honest that she is criticizing herself for judging the parents of screaming kids over four years ago. Now as a parent of three (four if you count Andy) she looks over the years and realizes how easy it was to judge. Everyone knows best before they have kids. There will be no television. Healthy food only. My kid will never have a breakdown in the middle of a department store. Four years later, Kara has written a very candid article explaining how wrong she was. In true Kara fashion, she feels very, very bad about it too.

Read the article if you have kids or if you've sworn off procreation. You'll enjoy it either way.

When you're done, check out her blog.  She does a wonderful job documenting her family's evolution.

Kara, thank you for turning a boring browsing experience into an exciting one!

1 comment:

Kara Gebhart Uhl said...

Aw, thanks, Alex. Also, I didn't know you had a blog! I love it!