Friday, March 30, 2012

Flick's Friday Fights

Flick's Friday Fights

Just saw Haywire the other day. I'm a big Soderbergh fan. This is not his best work, but it was completely enjoyable and full of great fights. Credit to where credit is due...Gina Carano. She is a retired MMA fighter and after her watching her destroy her male colleagues in Haywire, I would not be surprised (or upset) to see her in many movies to come.

What made the movie truly enjoyable was that Gina Carano was allowed to play a complex female character and actually looked like someone who could take care of herself. I'm tired of being subjected to movies that are afraid of real women action stars. If she's kicking ass, she shouldn't look like she's afraid to eat a sandwich.

In honor of you Gina...

This is her first MMA fight. Don't blink.

A lot of respect for Kaitlin Young in this fight.

Ignore the obnoxious announcers and enjoy the ground game

The first five minutes of Haywire

Flick's Friday Fights

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