Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hilarious bug-eyed hoops fan uses face to bother shooters

Hilarious bug-eyed hoops fan uses face to bother shooters

Sports fans are just as awesome as the event itself.

I've always loved the atmosphere of hockey games. Most fans show up wearing sweaters of their favorite teams or of their favorite players. Some put together whole outfits with pants, shirts, jackets and hats. Earings, wrist bands and signs are nice accessories. Some fans make the ultimate pledge with loyalty ink. Then there are the face painters.

I love the face painters. I don't remember the first time I spotted my first face painter, but my reaction hasn't changed much. Oh my god that's awesome. Paint your face and I'll buy you a beer.

If you can do a decent imitation of David Puddy, your night is on me.

The ante has risen from face painters. Chest painters (there's a new variety already well documented in S.I.'s swimsuit issue). The green men in Vancouver. And shirtless guy at the football game.

Shirtless guy becomes an instant classic the moment snow begins to fall.

Well, the ante has been raised again.

Look at that kid's face. That's intimidating enough without the sign (insert hysterical when he or his sign isn't looking). Who brings a giant cut out of their own face to a sports game? What did the people in the parking lot say? What about the ticket takers, ushers or security guards? What about the other fans in his section?

"We had great seats, but then some dude showed up with a giant cut out of his face sat in front of us."

How about a girlfriend? It used to be, would you come to the game with me if I painted my face?
Now its, would you come to the game with me if I held a giant cardboard cut out of my orgasm face above my head for the entire game?

I hope it becomes a fad for even just a little while.

Even more...I can't wait to see who ante ups next.

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