Wednesday, February 22, 2012


32nd Anniversary of a "Miracle"

"Do you believe in miracles?" Al Michaels made the call back 32 years ago, February 22, 1980. A young group of Americans were seconds away from beating the world dominating Russians. It is the greatest moment in sports history.

I love that people still talk about where they were when the U.S. won. At home watching on television. Listening on the radio. At the game.

I wasn't even around. It took a few more months before I was born. I wasn't even alive for the build up to the game or the game itself and I still get emotional everytime I see a clip of that game. I may be a victim of post game sensationalism. The story has become an epic tale. Documentaries, novels and a disney movie.

As corny as the movie was at times, who doesn't love it? I remember going to see it in the theatres with friends that had never watched a game of hockey in their life. We dragged the girls out with us, much to their initial dismay. Sitting in the theatre I can still remember hearing people muttering under their breaths like the game was live or ever in doubt. "Score." "Make the save." "Come on boys." We all knew the outcome and yet, there we were waiting for Al Michaels to let us know that everything was going to be okay. "Do you believe in miracles?" As our boys celebrated their win, I looked over at my friends and saw the mascara running down cheeks and the red eyes glaring from everyone. The car ride home became a history lesson, as the non hockey fans were amazed to find out that the game against Russia really wasn't for the gold. They still had to beat Finland in order to take gold.

It's a tale that's easy to fall in love with. It's the same story that every movie exec wants us to believe in when they create a new sports movie. A group of misfits come together to face an unbeatable giant and they win in the end. Audience claps, leaves happy and feels good about life.

Except this really happened. Thirty two years ago today in Lake Placid, NY.

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