Monday, February 27, 2012

Trade Deadline Part 2

 Just as fans were fearing Darcy wasn't going to make a move, the Gaustad trade came down the pipes. Two more trades have found their way to the headlines. Zack Kasian to Vancouver for Cody Hodgson. Marc Andre Gragnani to Vancouver for Alexander Sulzer.

I doubt many fans even batted an eye to see Gragnani leave the team. An obviously talented youngster with the puck and a possible future point man on the power play, but right now makes too many mistakes and has seen regular minutes in awhile. We'll see what Alexander Sulzer brings to the team.

Cody Hodgson is a young and upcoming skilled centreman, which is exactly what the Sabres need.

Zack Kassian being dealt is a huge deal. This is a prospect that was expected to become an NHL great while wearing Buffalo's blue and gold. Often refered to as #legendofkassian fans became enamoured with Kassian's image as a power forward who was skilled offensively and in physical play. The legend was everything Buffalo has needed for years. He has played well as a rookie and at times has shown promise to be a great player, but any sort of consistency has been lacking. If Hodgson continues to grow and becomes a great player, then the #legendofkassian might become the #taleofkassian.

If it doesn't work out, Darcy might be a former GM.

Here's a tribute video to the young Hodgson. After watching this I'm excited.

Paul Gaustad Traded To Nashville

 Goose is flying south. John Vogl of the Buffalo News
reports that the Buffalo Sabres have traded Paul Gaustad to the Nashville Predators for a 1st round pick. Gaustad was traded along with a fourth or fifth round pick (as news reports vary at this moment).

Even though every Buffalo Sabres fan knew that Gaustad should be traded by the deadline it was not without emotions. Gaustad became a popular player with fans because he represented the blue collar attitutde that resenates so well with Buffalo fans. He hit hard. He fought. He scored ugly goals. His effort was plain to see.

Other teams saw it too, as Gaustad was a go to guy for important face offs and to shut down opposing lines.

The only problem is that over the past two years, Gaustad's jersey was playing but Goose was no where to be found. He wasn't hitting. He wasn't scoring. And worse, when we needed him to fight. He didn't.

Although Gaustad got around to fighting Lucic for the devasting hit placed on Miller earlier in the season, it was too late. Even though Gaustad seems to be the Goose of old for the past few weeks, it was too late.

His contract is up at the end of the season and if the Sabres were going to get any value at all, they needed to deal him at the deadline. Although he is not the caliber player as Drury, Briere and Campbell, visions of losing another player to free agency without compensation is a Buffalo fan's worst nightmare.
So Goose has flown the coup and the fans are left dreaming of where the first round pick will fall and who might be joining our team in the fall. Hopefully, Darcy and co. can get another trade together over the summer by lumping picks together and get a higher first round pick.
Maybe we'll sign Gaustad in the summer and it'll be like he never left and the Sabres only got better.
No matter what, I hope Gaustad gets a chance to lift the cup. Flick and I enjoyed his time here in Buffalo.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Flick's Friday Fights

Flick's Friday Fights

First up is one for the fat kid in all of us. It only took a few years of abuse to realize that this was a mismatch fight to begin with. If winning the fight isn't enough for you, there's still plenty of media coverage online of reporter's turning this kid into a national hero. Wonder if he still got suspended for fighting?

"Would you like fries with that?"
"How about I beat your face in?"

Last is an absolute classic. The best part is to listen closely to the interview as Rob Ray discribes his rain of punches as "a little force."

See you next week for...

Flick's Friday Fights

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


32nd Anniversary of a "Miracle"

"Do you believe in miracles?" Al Michaels made the call back 32 years ago, February 22, 1980. A young group of Americans were seconds away from beating the world dominating Russians. It is the greatest moment in sports history.

I love that people still talk about where they were when the U.S. won. At home watching on television. Listening on the radio. At the game.

I wasn't even around. It took a few more months before I was born. I wasn't even alive for the build up to the game or the game itself and I still get emotional everytime I see a clip of that game. I may be a victim of post game sensationalism. The story has become an epic tale. Documentaries, novels and a disney movie.

As corny as the movie was at times, who doesn't love it? I remember going to see it in the theatres with friends that had never watched a game of hockey in their life. We dragged the girls out with us, much to their initial dismay. Sitting in the theatre I can still remember hearing people muttering under their breaths like the game was live or ever in doubt. "Score." "Make the save." "Come on boys." We all knew the outcome and yet, there we were waiting for Al Michaels to let us know that everything was going to be okay. "Do you believe in miracles?" As our boys celebrated their win, I looked over at my friends and saw the mascara running down cheeks and the red eyes glaring from everyone. The car ride home became a history lesson, as the non hockey fans were amazed to find out that the game against Russia really wasn't for the gold. They still had to beat Finland in order to take gold.

It's a tale that's easy to fall in love with. It's the same story that every movie exec wants us to believe in when they create a new sports movie. A group of misfits come together to face an unbeatable giant and they win in the end. Audience claps, leaves happy and feels good about life.

Except this really happened. Thirty two years ago today in Lake Placid, NY.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hilarious bug-eyed hoops fan uses face to bother shooters

Hilarious bug-eyed hoops fan uses face to bother shooters

Sports fans are just as awesome as the event itself.

I've always loved the atmosphere of hockey games. Most fans show up wearing sweaters of their favorite teams or of their favorite players. Some put together whole outfits with pants, shirts, jackets and hats. Earings, wrist bands and signs are nice accessories. Some fans make the ultimate pledge with loyalty ink. Then there are the face painters.

I love the face painters. I don't remember the first time I spotted my first face painter, but my reaction hasn't changed much. Oh my god that's awesome. Paint your face and I'll buy you a beer.

If you can do a decent imitation of David Puddy, your night is on me.

The ante has risen from face painters. Chest painters (there's a new variety already well documented in S.I.'s swimsuit issue). The green men in Vancouver. And shirtless guy at the football game.

Shirtless guy becomes an instant classic the moment snow begins to fall.

Well, the ante has been raised again.

Look at that kid's face. That's intimidating enough without the sign (insert hysterical when he or his sign isn't looking). Who brings a giant cut out of their own face to a sports game? What did the people in the parking lot say? What about the ticket takers, ushers or security guards? What about the other fans in his section?

"We had great seats, but then some dude showed up with a giant cut out of his face sat in front of us."

How about a girlfriend? It used to be, would you come to the game with me if I painted my face?
Now its, would you come to the game with me if I held a giant cardboard cut out of my orgasm face above my head for the entire game?

I hope it becomes a fad for even just a little while.

Even more...I can't wait to see who ante ups next.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Paris Mash Up

Disappointing movie.

Awesome mash up.

And about 5 hours shorter.

I still want to like this movie.


Flick's Friend is my new experiment. I don't know what it is yet. What I want from it. Or even where I want it to go.

I do know that I want it to be fun. There will be photos. There will be videos. There will be stories and thoughts of the random variety.

Flick will be here too.

Flick is the main character of a novel I just recently finished. For the first time in thousands of pages, I am finally proud of one of my creations. His tale is honest, fun and worthy of fighting to be published.

His story is one of senior citizens boozing, fighting and partying without pants. Most importantly it is about an old man who grew up to be the person he wanted to be.

Often we lament about career choices or cheer to fate's decisions. When faced with questions about old age and retirement, we recite a laundry list of activities we wish to accomplish.

Have you thought about what illnesses, conditions and impairments you wish to live with? How many pills a day would you like to swallow? Walking the mall with medi-cunts could be the highlight of your day.

As depressing as all that might seem to us young people, Flick would dismiss such thoughts. There's too much fun to be had and drinks to be enjoyed.

With the goal of an old age worth living, we'll start here. Let's enjoy this blog for what it is and what it will become.

At the very least there will be photos. And there will be videos.