Monday, April 23, 2012

Flick's Tab

My Friend Raul

  Flick here.

More than one of Starbright Tower's more obnoxious residents believe that Raul is a mute Mexican janitor. I do not profess to know Raul very well, but I do know a few things. He is just a fellow resident and far from being janitorially useful. The one time I was in his apartment, it was filled with burned out lights and blinking clocks. While he is very quiet, he is no mute. I believe his thick Spanish accent embarrasses him in his new country. Liquor has been known to loosen his lips, but cigars work every time.

Most importantly, Raul is not Mexican. He is from Spain. He returns the racism directed his way by directing it right back at Mexico. He hates all things Mexican. He hates the way they butcher his language. He hates how they play futbol (soccer). He hates how they have caused all Americans to cringe at anything Spanish.

Raul hates anything Mexican. Except...a certain tasty drink.

Much like anyone who goes out of their to profess a hate, it always comes with a catch. To listen to Raul speak about Mexico is to have an awkward chill rise through your spine and wonder if this man might have only paused to speak with you long enough to mentally rehearse the apocalyptic genocide he is bringing to our southern border.

However much hate he spews. It doesn't stop him from enjoying some forbidden fruit. 

Raul's favorite drink is a Paloma. And it might be from Mexico ( is...).

Starbright Tower, the retirement building I lived in, was a dry community. This did not apply to my friends and I. We became smugglers for our friends. Raul approached me at the pool one day and spoke the word, "Tequila." I was always curious about the shy Spanish man and this seemed to be my way in. I asked him if he knew a killer Margarita recipe. He simply pointed to his can of grapefruit Jarrito soda. He said nothing else.

I was intrigued. Either he knew something I didn't or he hadn't understood a single word I had said.

What I found out was a delicious way to spend a hot siesta. Surrounded by buzzing lights and blinking clocks, I drank my first Paloma and made a new friend. Gracias amigo.

Until next time. Drink up.

Fill Tom Collins glass with ice, 2oz of Tequila and 1/2 oz of lime juice. Top off with Jarrito grapefruit soda (Squirt has been known to work in a pinch). Salt and lime wedge for rim of glass optional.

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